Natural Alternatives to Synthetic Preservatives

The following article was written by Heinen’s Chief Dietitian, Melanie Jatsek RD, LD.
For a food to earn the Fx™-approved stamp, it should be as close to nature as possible. Fresh produce, dry beans, peas, lentils, and raw nuts and seeds are at the top of the list, followed by plant-based meat alternatives like tempeh and tofu, as well as fresh, unprocessed meat and seafood.
But what about everything else? Are packaged foods in the Grocery, Frozen, Dairy, and Deli Departments automatically out of the running for the Fx™-approved stamp? Not at all; it simply depends on what’s in the food.
Ingredients like artificial food dyes and sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, and synthetic preservatives are not in Fx™-approved foods because they are far removed from nature. This matters because a mound of evidence exists showing eating foods that come directly from the earth is linked to better health and longevity.
The History of Preservatives
Food preservation dates to ancient times, with methods like fermentation, freezing, and drying being among some of the techniques used to keep food safe from disease-causing pathogens.
Synthetic Preservatives
Long-term exposure to synthetic preservatives is often claimed to be nonhazardous, but this has yet to be proven. There is evidence, however, which points to potential health risks from regular exposure to synthetic preservatives. Here is just a short list of synthetic preservatives you may see in packaged food:
- Potassium benzoate
- Sodium benzoate
- Sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite
- Sodium phosphate
- TBHQ (Tertiary Butylhydroquinone)
Lucky for us, packaged foods can be safely produced using natural and effective alternatives to synthetic preservatives.
Natural Preservatives
Mother Nature created plants whose extracts have antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics, making them a safe alternative to man-made, synthetic preservatives.
Natural antimicrobials can be found in these and other Fx™-approved foods:
- Raw fruits and vegetables: Garlic, pepper, onion, cabbage, guava, pomegranate, and oranges
- The seeds and leaves of olive leaves, parsley, caraway, nutmeg, fennel, and grape seeds
- Herbs and spices: marjoram, basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage, clove, and cardamom

Other natural Fx™-approved preservatives to look for in food are:
- Salt
- Vinegar
- Lemon juice
- Honey
- Olive oil
- Mixed tocopherols (organic compounds derived from vitamin E)

Key Takeaway
There are oodles of high quality Fx™-approved products at Heinen’s with natural, earth-derived preservatives that won’t harm your health. Ah, such is the grace of Mother Nature and the beauty of choice!