The Value of Healthy Eating

The Value of Healthy Eating

The following article was written by Heinen’s Chief Dietitian, Melanie Jatsek RD, LD.

What price would you pay in exchange for good health? That’s a tough question, isn’t it? It’s tough because good health is priceless! We rarely think about these things when we’re healthy, but that all changes the moment we’re handed an unfavorable medical report.

Your Body is Resilient

Resiliency is defined as: the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

The truth is, you’re one tough cookie! Your body was built to be resilient, but it doesn’t happen by accident; you must feed it right.

If your current food choices and lifestyle habits aren’t delivering the results you’re looking for, it’s time to make a change! Food has immense power to heal the body, so when you start putting the right stuff in, your body will respond with better health.

Top Down Image of Two Oatmeal Bowls with Fresh Fruit and Nut Toppings. Bowls of oats and blueberries beside.

The Cost of the Standard American Diet

The cost of the Standard American Diet (SAD) is steep, yet ironically, it’s these very foods we reach for because we view them as affordable. But are they really? It’s no secret that processed foods loaded with fat, sugar, salt and preservatives are much to blame for the declining health of our nation.

Prescription drugs take a heavy toll on the wallet, not to mention the physical burden that often comes with taking them. Sometimes these side effects require you to take another medicine to counterbalance the effects. I’m not suggesting prescription medications don’t have their place, but I strongly believe diet and lifestyle changes can minimize the need for them.

The Value of Nutritious Food

“You can pay the farmer now or pay the doctor later” – Unknown

Let’s talk about the value of filling your body with wholesome foods from the earth. Consider these seven shifts that occur in the body and mind when you improve the quality of your food choices.

  • Your energy level goes way up.
  • You feel satisfied with less food.
  • Your mood is lifted.
  • Your digestion is improved (which positively affects your mood and energy).
  • Your immune system is strengthened, which lessens the severity of colds and flus (and often you can avoid them altogether).
  • Your self-esteem is boosted because feeling good in your body translates to feeling good in your mind.
  • You develop a sense of reverence for your body and begin to see it as a gift. Who doesn’t want to take care of something they love and respect?

Now, everyone’s situation is different, but $1.00 for an apple or 3 bucks for a bunch of broccoli doesn’t seem so bad when the return on investment is a positive shift in your overall health. Even small investments in healthier food make a big difference, so start where you can!

13 Affordable Fx-Approved Foods to Stretch Your Dollar

Healthy food is more affordable than you may think. In fact, the following items at Heinen’s come straight from the earth and are some of the most nutritious and cost-friendly foods you can get your hands on.

Key Takeaway

Good health is simply priceless. Increasing the amount of whole, fresh foods in your diet may require you to make small sacrifices elsewhere, but if it means a longer, healthier life, I believe it is well worth it!

Heinen's Grocery Store

By Heinen's Grocery Store

In 1929, Joe Heinen opened the doors of a small butcher shop on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, aiming to establish himself as the city’s purveyor of quality meats. As customers came into Heinen’s new shop for their meat purchases, they began asking him to carry groceries as well. Joe added homemade peanut butter, pickles and donuts and by 1933, business had grown enough to include a line of produce and canned goods. Heinen’s Grocery Store was born.

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